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From Pioneer Tilden to National Leader Forker

Join Ames Public Library and Ames History Museum for “From Pioneer Tilden to National Leader Forker: Physical Education at Iowa State” presented by Jan Beran, professor emerita, Iowa State University.

From 1904 to 1944 at Iowa Agricultural College, Winifred Tilden, the first head of the Department of Physical Culture (pictured above), promoted physical activities for IAC’s female students. Her legacy was carried forward by Barbara Forker as department chair of Physical Education for women and later men from 1948 to 1986, becoming a much admired national leader.

Beran will relate the stories of these forward-looking women, whose impact can easily be seen today. Both were committed to promoting physical activity as part of a woman’s overall lifetime health and wellness.

You may also participate in this event online via Zoom. Register at to receive the Zoom link by e-mail.

Presented in partnership with Ames Public Library and Ames History Museum.


May 22 2024


7:00 pm


Ames Public Library
515 Douglas Ave., Ames, Iowa

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