Tim Grewell

Tim Grewell, Director IT and Registration Services, oversees all the IT and software used by our team and registration clients. Translation: he’s our tech genius that keeps us connected and out of the dark ages. Tim is a master of the technology platform tracking all events, clients, registrations, members and activity of the organization. At his foundation, Tim is a Business Management turned Hotel Restaurant Institution Management graduate – a guy who made the major switch after discovering the wonderful world of events while working at the Memorial Union as a student. A native Amesian (Ames-ite? Ames-er?), Tim’s out-of-office time is spent hanging out with his wife, kids and yellow Labradors. He loves the small-town feel of Ames even though there’s always so much going on. A life-long Cyclone, Tim is also the two-time office champion of Wii Bowling. Only kids who grew up in Ames in the 80s (OK, 70s) would remember: Sitting in the “airplane” at the South Duff Hardees (where Panera is located now). I was really young, but it was fun. Trust me.


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