Gully Boys & Skating Polly
Don’t miss the Gully Boys and Skating Polly coming to the M-Shop on March 6!
The Gully Boys’ origin story plays out like the perfect domino effect. While sorting vintage clothes in a Minneapolis-area thrift store in 2016, Kathy Callahan shared her dream of becoming a vocalist with their co-worker, Nadirah McGill. After encouraging a friend from middle school, Natalie Klemond, to join the trio on bass, Nadi picked up a pair of drumsticks and counted off a cover of Best Coast’s “Girlfriend.” Gully Boys had officially been born.
Fusing elements of alt-rock with classic D.I.Y. punk and indie pop, savvy Oklahoma sibling band Skating Polly found international exposure through rigorous touring, earning both critical acclaim and indie rock scene support. Formed when stepsisters Kelli Mayo and Peyton Bighorse were just 9 and 13, Skating Polly has channeled their chameleonic musicality into a sound they call “ugly-pop” – unruly and subversive and wildly melodic. The duo was joined by Kelli’s brother Kurtis Mayo on drums in 2017.