50 Years of Title IX
50 years of Title IX: Reflections and the Lasting Impacts on Women’s Sports
Hear stories from women who were involved in Iowa State University athletics. They’ll discuss the impact of the 1972 Title IX law, which afforded them an equal opportunity to participate in sports as athletes and as administrators. Celebrate the positive impact of Title IX and gain an understanding of the work that still needs to be done.
Panelists include Jan Beran, emerita professor of health and human performance, Cindy Fredericksen, golf 1971-1973; Elaine Hieber, Iowa State’s first senior women’s athletics administrator (1979-2002); Calli Sanders, ISU senior associate AD/sports administration; and Ellen Thornwall, softball 1974-1975. The panel will be moderated by Lindsey Long, ISU assistant athletics director.
Participate in person or online. To join the event via Zoom, use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81919857467?pwd=RWsrR3pQUUFDZ0JxcVQ2dlNOYTI4QT09
Presented in partnership with Ames Public Library, Ames Public Library Friends Foundation, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, Iowa State University Library, and Iowa State University Athletics.